GoFun, a shared car, has raised hundreds of millions of yuan and is seeking to go public

 GoFun Technology , a car-sharing platform, has recently reached a final B round financing intention with several investors , with an amount of hundreds of millions of yuan Participants in this round of financing are mainly large national investment funds and local industry guidance funds. Existing industry investors also choose to continue to increase.

In addition, people familiar with the matter said that GOFUN Technology has plans to go public in the future, and is currently making corresponding plans with domestic investment banks, hoping to launch an IPO as soon as possible to bring investors the greatest value return.

People familiar with the matter said that after this round of financing, the company will iterate on software and hardware updates to consolidate technical barriers, and further educate and expand the market. Specifically, GoFun will iteratively upgrade vehicle sources, software and hardware support, offline operation and maintenance, standardized services, etc., to absorb vehicle assets from dealers and personal vehicles on the supplementary platform to achieve rapid growth of vehicle scale.

At the financial level, 36Kr understands that GoFun's profit model will be transformed from the earlier self-operated leasing model to a platform service fee model based on platform operations.

GoFun was officially launched in February 2016 and is a new energy timeshare leasing business under Shouqi Group . 36氪 noticed that GoFun's last round of financing was in 2017, and it was also a period when the shared car industry was booming. The two concepts of "sharing" + "new energy" have not only attracted many operational companies, but also attracted national teams trying to vigorously support electric vehicles and car companies anxious to deploy new energy vehicles.

However, after a blowout, the car-sharing lease finally fell silent within two years. Starting in 2018, startup companies Tuge Travel and Green Dog Rent-A-Car have encountered difficulties in deposits, and companies backed by Lifan cars such as Panda Cars are also not immune. Daimler-Benz's car2go also announced its defeat in the Chinese market last year. .

GoFun can get financing at this time. In addition to the recent transformation, a possible important reason is that it relies on the Shouqi Group and has not lacked the endorsement of state-owned enterprises. And after more than four years of offline operations and asset management, the company has accumulated a lot of data.

In fact, Tan Yi CEO of gofun travel , has made many attempts. A very important change is the introduction of C2C mode, so that the C-terminus of private cars add the fleet, will also join the self-employed into stores. Tan Yi once said to 36 krypton that, unlike many car-sharing companies, GoFun plans to be more “lighter”. For example, self-operated stores will continue to shrink. GoFun uses the form of input management to cooperate with OEMs. stage introduction of "travel package", so that owners by co- sharing Car offset the cost of purchase form. "Achieving accumulation in full intelligent hardware equipment, algorithm technology, blockchain storage technology, and user travel big data in a'practical' way provides a foundation for the later lightweight platform transformation."

In other words, investors are betting that GoFun travel is expected to be built into the country's largest automobile use rights matching platform and vehicle owner service platform.

On the other hand, as today a limited license tier cities has not improved the situation, but with this year's epidemic and economic impact, some people had planned to buy a car car will be greatly suppressed, might consider continuing to use travel share, while the share car Be further included in the scope of the plan.

"Time-sharing leasing is the most difficult thing to do," Tan Yi once said bluntly, "It is not a thing that can expand at a large scale and at a high speed. It is a learning process. If you want to succeed, you must use a large number of C2C private cars. The ultimate mode of time leasing must be the travel mode."


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