The second half of the new car

On the 13th, the website of the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau disclosed that Weimar Motors is currently accepting listing counseling to prepare for the sprint sci-tech innovation board. The counseling agency is China Securities. If the advancement goes smoothly, in the near future, the "four tops" of new car-making forces-Weilai Automobile, Ideal Automobile, Xiaopeng Automobile, and Weimar Automobile will be assembled in the secondary market.

Six years ago, in the whirlwind of new cars triggered by Tesla's entry into China, more than a dozen local new energy car companies were born in the Chinese market. In the following years, under the catalysis of policies and capital, this industry grew rapidly. According to incomplete statistics, the total financing of the new car industry has exceeded 200 billion yuan, and more than 600 vehicle companies have registered.

However, changes in subsidy policies and the cooling of the capital market interrupted the crazy growth of the new car industry. In 2020, byton, Sailin, and other once powerful new car brands have experienced thunderstorms and ceased production. After the fight, only a few companies, such as Weilai Automobile, Ideal Automobile, Xiaopeng Automobile, and Weimar Automobile, have survived the hell test of mass production and delivery, and completed the thrilling leap from building to selling.

But the first round of shuffling did not shuffle a stable market pattern. Tesla is coming aggressively, new players continue to enter the game, the old problem of profitability, the new challenge of going overseas... Under multiple variables, the second half of the new car has just begun.


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