Autopilot company "Intotech" raises another US$120 million in financing, CATL leads the investment


All original shareholders, including GLP, G7, and NIO Capital, followed suit.

After half a year, the self-driving truck technology and operation company Incept Technology completed a new round of US$120 million in equity financing. This round of financing was led by Ningde Times, a lithium-ion battery R&D and manufacturing company, and all original shareholders such as GLP, G7, and Weilai Capital followed the investment.

Inceptio Technology stated that through this round of financing, they will accelerate the mass production and commercial operation of L3-level autonomous driving heavy trucks. Centering on the vision of "autonomous driving + green energy + asset operation", they will cooperate with new and existing shareholders to build a new generation of automatic Drive TaaS (Transportation as a Service) freight network.

Source: Incept Technology

Incept Technology was established in April 2018 and announced in April this year that it had received US$100 million in equity financing. The company focuses on China’s trunk road freight market, with "technology + operation" as the core model. It has signed more than 100 logistics customers and is jointly developing L3-level autonomous driving heavy trucks with Dongfeng Commercial Vehicle and China National Heavy Duty Truck. It is planned for 2021 Mass production at the end of the year.

In terms of technology, Inceptio Technology stated that its self-developed full-stack autopilot system and core algorithm have reached the world's first in terms of ultra-long-distance 3D perception accuracy. The fully self-developed on-board computing platform has a computing power of up to 245 TOPS and is functionally safe. The design is at the head of the industry and supports the application of domestic AI chips.

Ma Zheren, Founder and CEO of Incept Technology, said: "The rapid development of Incept Technology firstly benefits from the continuous rapid development of China's economy. China's trunk logistics is a trillion-level market, and autonomous driving will be the first to be realized in this huge market. Large-scale commercial operation. We have made the right strategic choice in the mass production and commercial landing of L3 trucks, and will firmly invest in the independent research and development of autonomous driving full-stack technology. Inceptio will accelerate the construction of freight robots covering the country with industry partners Network, use technology to realize the beauty of logistics."


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