The State Council issued a plan for new energy vehicles: account for 20% of new vehicle sales in 2025, reduce power consumption and deploy charging networks


State Council issues new energy vehicle plan

State Council recently issued the "new energy automotive industry development plan (2021-2035 years)" (the "Plan") proposed that by 2025, middle country's new energy auto market competitiveness will increase markedly, battery, drive motor vehicle Major breakthroughs have been made with key technologies such as operating systems, and the safety level has been comprehensively improved. The sales of new energy vehicles and new vehicles have reached about 20% of the total sales of new vehicles.

In 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology drafted the "Plan" for soliciting comments. At that time, it was proposed that new energy vehicles and new vehicles will account for 25% of sales in 2025. The official document of the "Plan" lowered this proportion.

The "Plan" puts forward plans for the future new energy automobile industry, including key technology research, infrastructure construction, and smart city applications. According to the "Planning", by 2025, the average power consumption of new pure electric passenger vehicles will need to be reduced to 12.0 kWh/100 kilometers. Highly autonomous vehicles will achieve commercial applications in limited areas and specific scenarios, and the convenience of charging and swapping services will be significantly improved. .

The "Plan" requires that, starting from 2021, the proportion of new energy vehicles in public areas in the national ecological civilization pilot zone and key areas for air pollution prevention and control shall not be less than 80%.

The "Plan" plans that by 2035, China's new energy vehicle core technology will reach the international advanced level, pure electric vehicles will become the mainstream of new sales vehicles, public sector vehicles will be fully electrified, and fuel cell vehicles will be commercialized.

Editor-in-chief's comment: "Planning" strengthens the development direction of new energy vehicles from the top-level design, which is beneficial to the entire industry chain. China has issued policies to support the new energy vehicle industry since 2009, and it is now the world's most important new energy vehicle market. The "Plan" continues to clarify that new energy vehicles are a national strategic industry, which has become the main direction of the transformation and development of the automotive industry and an important engine to promote sustained economic growth ...


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